meet the herd!


Lance, our gentle giant and carriage driving horse extraordinaire

Elsa, our mini horse, side hustle: unicorn appearances on the farm

Jojo (Josephine March), the therapy mascot horse and Alaska the horse’s emotional support horse


Mr. Butterscotch (or affectionally known as Butters)

Alaska, the queen bee of the barn

Lulu Bear (la luna de cielo), our spunky mustang pony

Blue Belle, our most respected elder of the barn

Star Gazer the pony (known as Star), always the most trustworthy mount

Nikki, the kindness mare with a wealth of knowledge

Dakota, the guy who can always depend on, day in and day out

Susie, career-changer show pony who still rocks the barn

Ranger, our rescue horse who loves to be groomed and loved on

Sven, Elsa’s baby and our forever baby of the barn

Jasmine, head of tour admissions at the farm

our 10 goats (who are all named after desserts, because why not)

Elvis, the donkey (best hugs award)

Ben and Jerry (our two mini donkeys who compete regularly with Elvis for the best hug award)

Tiny the cow (shh! she thinks she is a goat), mother of the goats


a day in a life of the barn cat: Posted per authority of Mr. Pinky the cat

Has a Dreamweaver horse created magic for your family?

Consider buying them a bale of hay or some dinner! All donations are tax-deductible. Click here to donate now!

Thank you so very much!